Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Celebrating Birthdays

 Josiah's birthday started with his gift of a Raspberry Pi starter kit. Josiah is one of the hardest to buy gifts for and Jeremy finally came up with this winning idea. The only help I had for Jeremy was "Josiah says he wants to build his own server." Yesterday Josiah and Isaiah were playing Minecraft and Josiah was very excited that they were playing on his server. Josiah's words to me were, " Mom, I'm living my childhood dream. We are playing Minecraft on my own server!" 

 It had to be documented that we all took a walk together that afternoon. That was an every day occurrence when everyone was under 10 years old! Now it rarely happens. This afternoon we got to visit with one of our neighbors who was really excited to see these--now--very grown up kids.


That evening Josiah had 5 young men over for the evening, We had steak, potatoes and rolls. I told the guys they were lucky to be invited over on Josiah's actual birthday because they got all the good food. Of course there was ice cream cake and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert. The guys sat around the table and talked and played a couple card games.

Aliza's birthday was celebrated over 2 days. On Saturday she had some friends over. It was a beautiful afternoon and they spent a couple hours playing games on the porch. It was a laid back girls afternoon which was just what her soul needed. We had sushi and homemade hibachi for her birthday supper that evening. 

Monday was Aliza's actual birthday. Mondays are busy days for Aliza with class, studying and then choir in the evening. We all went to Chick Fil A for supper before she went to choir and when she got home we gave her her gift and had her favorite--brown ice cream sundae pie.

I was hoping to actually have her Ariel wig to give her, but the timing didn't work out for that! So part of her gift was the--much less exciting--money towards her Ariel wig.

Big kids are a lot of fun! I'm enjoying this stage of family life.

Monday, March 3, 2025


Happy 19th Birthday Aliza!!

Friday, February 28, 2025


Happy 17th Birthday Josiah!!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

A Few Things from far

 For several years I had Valentine mailboxes that I put on the mantle each February. Those mailboxes got dented and bent and I got rid of them. But this year I saw Valentine mailboxes in the store and decided it was time to bring back the tradition. This time they are on the kitchen counter. Notes and candy were "mailed" to each other for the last couple weeks.

We watched the Superbowl and my parent's house. Most of the children watched the whole game this year. It was nice that we could spill over to a second TV. As it worked out the Eagles fans were watching separately from most of the Chiefs fans. The five teenagers in the room kept me quite entertained all evening!

Anna has guitar during "rainbow hour" when the sun is just right to hit all the prisms that her teacher has in her window. The rainbow on the neck of her guitar was perfect last week. Anna's most recent guitar accomplishment is learning to play "Plush."

More snow! This time it was wet and heavy and piled up on the tree branches. It was so pretty.

The boys made a snowman this time. This snow lasted just long enough for some evening activities to be cancelled.

I'm looking forward to using this new book for Lent devotionals. I've never had devotion reading specific for Lent and I'm looking forward to something new and walking through the book of John to Easter.

A friend sent me this last week and it sums up my teaching life right now. Except that this year it is Pre-Algebra. Anna is like me when it comes to math and so she and I are watching her math lessons together so that I can properly help her with her assignments. It's worth my time. Math has been going so much better for Anna.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Joy Dare: January 2025

 11,910. A day to catch up and reorganize
11,911. Isaiah decided he liked something new at supper
11,912. Aliza arrived safe and happy
11,913. Coffee talk time with Elizabeth
11,914. Josiah's good attitude
11,915. Winter evenings
11,916. Flexible doctor's office
11,917. Seeing a little snow
11,918. Anna loved her first away-from-home babysitting job
11,919. Isaiah eating pork and noodles

11,920. Cleaning
11,921. The excitement of snow coming
11,922. Hearing all about Aliza's trip over supper
11,923. Ordering photos
11,924. Waking up to a winter wonderland
11,925. Lots of wet clothes means there was lots of fun in the snow
11,926. A family that gives me freedom to do things on my own
11,927. Being OK with being with just myself
11,928. Safety traveling
11,929. Books and podcasts
11,930. Meeting new people
11,931. Someone to sit with
11,932. Facetime with Isaiah
11,933. Learning a lot about curriculum
11,934. My moment with Mrs. Walker
11,935. Having this opportunity that I didn't expect
11,936. Easy flights and home early
11,937. Jeremy completely surprised me at the airport
11,938. Snow gives permission to hibernate
11,939. "What you need more than splashy resolutions, is steady rhythms." (Ann Voskamp)
11,940. Busy birdfeeders
11,941. Moonlight reflecting off the snow
11,942. Just hanging out with Anna
11,943. A Sunday morning at home
11,944. Hearing all Aliza's stories from the weekend
11,945. A moment with Josiah
11,946. A really good day of school
11,947. Exercise
11,948. Praying
11,949. Cardinals in the snow
11,950. Anna came home from dance really happy
11,951. Bedtime reading with Isaiah
11,952. Math with Anna
11,953. Snow flurries
11,954. Friend time without a time restraint
11,955. Time capsule on a VHS tape
11,956. Josiah looking back to say "I love you Mom"
11,957. Isaiah's favorite: supper on the couch and a movie
11,958. The depth of long friendships
11,959. Everyone home safely
11,960. Hearing all the camp stories
11,961. Car time with Aliza
11,962. Isaiah getting to play his favorite games
11,963. Watching a movie just me and Isaiah
11,964. Living a country with peaceful transitions of power
11,965. Getting through a rough day of school
11,966. When my child tells me they are praying for their mom to have patience
11.967. Some talk time with Jeremy
11,968. Vidoes of Texas nieces playing in the snow
11,969. A good first day of classes for Aliza
11,970. Breakfast for supper on a cold day
11,971. A warm house
11,972. Isaiah and Anna really enjoyed a new class
11,973. Teaching a new group of students English
11,974. Opportunities opening up for Jeremy
11,975. Picking up Sean from school
11,976. An evening to unwind
11,977. Another book series Isaiah is excited about
11,978. A Sunday School hour spent visiting
11.979. End of the season football games
11,980. Laughing at myself

11,981. Weekend meal together
11,982. Anna's passion for her current career interest
11,983. Aliza comes home and wants to talk
11,984. Watching a video of Ronan too many times
11,985. A warmer day
11,986. Listening to a friend's story
11,987. Learning
11,988. Anna really excited about her dances
11,989. Wednesday night debrief with Aliza
11,990. Isaiah participating in PE without knowing anyone else in the class
11,991. A book I'm staying up too late reading
11,992. Just listening
11,993. The flame of a candle on a gray, rainy day
11,994. A thoroughly dusted bedroom
11,995. The feeling when school is finished on Friday

Friday, January 24, 2025

Winter Retreat

 One of Aliza's dreams came true! She was on staff at camp for two weekends of youth group winter retreat called Reboot. It was the first time she drove 3 hours alone and the first time she drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge alone--which is a milestone for moms around here. I really wasn't worried, but I was aware that my girl was on the road. The second weekend required driving home in snow. Camp closed early and she was on the road and out of the snow before much had accumulated.

The second weekend Aliza was on staff the youth group from our church went. Aliza wasn't with our church, but she got to see Josiah and Anna and hang out with them a little bit.

The main event was a MarioCart race between the churches where each group chose a character, decorated the cart and then selected a "driver" and a "runner" to race.
Our youth group chose Bowser. Aliza got to see how different youth groups worked together and she got choked up telling me how proud she was of our church because there was no hesitation to participate, no bickering and EVERYONE had a role and participated.

To top it off, our church won! The youngest boy in youth group was the rider/driver and got to stand on the top of the podium and hold the trophy. I know everyone was invested in this win because Josiah came home with a raspy voice that he told me was from screaming during the race.
It was a very quiet weekend here at home just me, Jeremy and Isaiah. We did Isaiah's favorite--bought supper and ate it on the couch while watching a movie. Saturday afternoon he got to play Roblox games with a couple guys from church that he LOVES playing with and Saturday evening Isaiah and I watched a movie together while Jeremy watched a very exciting Washington Commanders game.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Snow Week

 We woke up to a winter wonderland of 5 inches of snow on Monday. Isaiah woke up at 7:30 and went straight outside. I was a bit later than him to get out to the living area and the first thing I saw was Isaiah out in the snow--in shorts. I just had to laugh. He had gloves, boots and the hood up on his coat, but didn't make the effort to change into pants. It didn't bother him a bit. He came in happy and cold and it wasn't long until he was back out there.

We had snowman Jimmy Bob in the back yard

and Sally in the front yard.

Made by Anna. I believe her brothers were also involved, but Anna took the credit.

While the children and Jeremy continued to have a snow week, on Tuesday I flew to Knowville, TN. It turned out to be extra convenient to fly out of Salisbury. There were several flight delays on Tuesday that I was able wait out at home because I was so close to the airport. I had to get a later flight out of Charlotte NC and when I landed in Knoxville I had to wait an hour and a half for another lady to arrive so that we could both take the same hour ride to our hotel in Pigeon Forge. I got to my hotel room at 10:30pm and  tired.

Why was I in Tennessee? I had the opportunity to attend the Homeworks Connection--a conference for their consultants that represent BJU Press curriculum. It was an unexpected opportunity and I was glad that I could go. There were some training sessions and the video teachers from BJU came and presented their new video classes. The Director of Content from BJU also presented on how they weave Biblical worldview through all of the courses. I knew it was there, but it was just interesting to see a little behind the scenes and how intentional the company is in writing a rigorous, research based and Biblically sound curriculum. 

There were about 50 consultants who attended. These are the ladies from the Northeast who were there. We got to have a dinner together at a restaurant called The Local Goat. Super fun place. I would go there again!

I also had a moment with this dear teacher, Mrs. Walker. She solidified reading in all of my children in first grade and I have always felt so much gratitude for her. This year 1st grade is completely updated with new videos and books (it was much needed). But Mrs. Walker and I had a moment of feeling sentimental about "her" videos being retired. When I came home and told the children that 1st grade is updated, they were sentimental too! Good memories!
On Thursday it was announced that the Friday portion of our conference was being cancelled because of incoming snow. My flight was rescheduled for early Friday morning. Those flights were all on time and made for a super easy trip. I was home by 11:30am on Friday. I drove myself to the airport and so when I was scanning the area while waiting for my suitcase and saw Jeremy standing there--with roses--I was VERY surprised and happy!

It's good to go, to learn, be independent and do something new but there is no better feeling than coming home!