11,816. First Sunday of Advent
11,817. Visiting with my Mom
11,818. Dancing with the Stars finale with Aliza
11,819. Jeremy was home to drive with me
11,820. The trampoline was already disassembled
11,821. Apple pie and ice cream
11,822. "Expectancy sets our sights on God's promises rather than the empty pursuit of all that cannot truly satisfy in this season." Ruth Chou Simons
11,823. The service of being able to pick up groceries
11,824. Thorough dental care
11,825. Isaiah's good attitude about taking medicine
11,826. Advent readings
11,827. Another piece falling into place for Aliza
11,828. Gathering all the present wrapping supplies
11,829. Making cookies
11,830. Our house full of young adults
11,831. Technology for Isaiah to play and talk to his Texas cousins
11,832. Josiah helping with supper without being asked
11,833. Trampoline put together
11,834. Anna's birthday party of all the things she likes--painting, Chinese food, movie, friends
11,835. Learning new chords
11,836. Catching up with both of our moms
11,837, Watching a Christmas concert
11,838. First Cookie Baking Championship episode
11,839. Candles burning
11,840. My circle of friends
11,841. Aliza and Anna's hearts
11,842. The coziness of rainy days
11,843. Finals week has gone smoothly for Aliza
11,844. Watching Josiah drive out to meet friends to play soccer
11,845. Singing Christmas carols until I had no voice left
11,846. Cookout shakes, Advent reading and laughing
11,847. Talking to an old friend
11,848. Janell put me on the right path to help Anna's headache
11,849. Concentrating on school
11,850. Gifts wrapped
11,851. Lunch conversations
11,852. Christmas lunch with Maria
11,853. Searching my heart
11,854. Bookstore and dessert
11,855. Thinking about dear ones as I address cards
11,856. Isaiah confidently standing up and reading Scripture
11,857. All of the coming and going activity
11,858. The moment when Aliza sees that I do understand
11,859. Josiah willing to spend his afternoon helping
11,860. Peppermint mocha on a rainy Monday afternoon
11,861. Isaiah very motivated to work ahead
11,862. Hearing all about Anna's Christmas dance class
11,863. Soaking up a little sun
11,864. Gingersnaps baking
11,865. Late night talking with Aliza
11,866. Welcoming a friend
11,867. Sitting with Mom
11,868. Dad's heart beating in rhythm
11,869. Young children singing
11,870. Getting to hug Judy
11,871. First semester of school finished and organized
11,872. Shopping with Anna
11,873. Isaiah playing with Texas cousins
11,874. Enjoying the season
11,875. Christmas tree lights on dark evenings
11,876. Aliza's Christmas concert
11,877. Santa driving by and all the laughter
11,878. Christmas Sunday worship
11,879. Isaiah singing with the children
11,880. Aliza's solo
11,881. Snuck in supper with Mom
11,882. One more Christmas music program
11,883. Being able to drop everything to be with Dad and Mom
11,884. Aliza kept the laundry going
11,885. Strength for the day
11,886. Spending the afternoon with my brother and sisters families
11,887. The timing that Dad and Mom could see all of us
11,888. Quieting for Christmas Eve church service
11,889. Christmas morning baking
11,890. A day together at home
11,891. Smiles and happy children
11,892. An actually enjoyable trip
11,893. Playing with Ronan a little bit
11,894. First Christmas with the Heslop cousins
11,895. Toddler squeals
11,896. Reading time
11,897. Christmas dinner
11,898. Jeremy was the driver for the day
11,899. Jeremy could be there for Aliza
11,900. Cousins playing new games
11,901. One more meal with the whole Heslop family
11,902. Games of pool and visiting with Matt and Chrissy
11,903. Our children thanking us when we eat out
11,904. Home
11,905. Anna having an electric guitar lesson
11,906. Supporting Jeremy
11,907. Sheats family Christmas
11,908. Overheard: "I can't wait to get home so I can pray and tell God all about my day." (Anna)
11,909. Midnight and New Years Eve with the 6 of us together.