Sunday, July 14, 2024

Camp Week

 Aliza, Josiah and Anna had the time of their lives at camp.

The youth that went to camp shared in church this morning. While they are at camp, they are expected to take notes during the sermons and small group times. They each picked a quote from their notes to share with the church this morning.

When they got home at 3:00, they just wanted to be quiet. We ate supper at 6:15 and they talked until the last one was tucked into bed at 11:40! 

The highlight of Isaiah's week was spending the night with Ezra.

He came home with these STATEMENT McDonald's Crocs and he is proud of them!


Monday, July 8, 2024

Joy Dare::June

 11,297. Making a connection with a young woman from Kenya
11,298. S'mores and deck lights
11,299. Unexpected time to have a good conversation with Aliza
11,300. Packing for a trip
11,301. A sister-in-law talk I needed
11,302. The girls got Grandma and Grandpa time
11,303. Family car time
11,304. A safe trip
11,305. An AirBnB that is just right for us
11,306. Touring
11,307. Picnic and getting to know the class
11,308. Greenville downtown
11,309. All the graduation day feelings
11,310. Thrifting with Anna
11,311. Watching my girl receive her diploma
11,312. Sleeping in
11,313. Finding a waterfall
11,314. NOT seeing any snakes
11,315. 4 drivers
11,316. Listening to the children laugh late at night
11,317. Safely home
11,318. Children that want to be home to go to church
11,319. Good conversations
11,320. Anna so excited

11,321. Indoor s'mores
11,322. Hearing guitar all evening
11,323. Doing different kinds of work
11,324. A beautiful spring day
11,325. Shopping and lunch with Isaiah
11,326. An afternoon to slow down
11,327. Dentist appointments check off the list
11,328. Opportunities for Josiah
11,329. Anna dancing without a care in the world
11,330. A smooth drive and arrived on time
11,331. The team worked well together
11,332. A quiet evening alone
11,333. Leading
11,334. Seeing some familiar faces
11,335. Talking to Aliza and Anna
11,336. College campus lunches are really good
11,337. A body that can work hard
11,338. Jeremy calmly solves my ridiculous technical issues
11,339. Podcasts to listen to on my drive home
11,340. Home with my family
11,341. Father's Day dinner
11,342. The Sheats cousins have so much fun
11,343. Almost felt back to normal after a nap
11,344. Breeze on very warm days
11,345. Cheering Aliza on
11,346. Summer mornings
11,347. Anna surprised me with a tidy living room and kitchen
11,348. School cabinet cleaned out
11,349. Everyone home for supper
11,350. A reading evening
11,351. The laundry room reorganized
11,352. Hammock on the porch has created a new space for sibling gathering
11,353. It was a lot cooler at the beach
11,354. Anna's first song on the electric guitar
11,355. Hamburgers and watermelon taste like summer
11,356. A Saturday with no big plans
11,357. Delivering supper and a window visit
11,358. A birthday celebration in Sunday School
11,359. Seeing some friends who were in town for the weekend
11,360. Bible study
11,361. Maria
11,362. Having Cheryl over for ice cream
11,363. Late night laughter
11,364. Josiah finding something he enjoys
11,365. Prayers answered
11,366. Lunch with Isaiah
11,367. Evenings that cool off
11,368. Rain
11,369. Cousin friendships
11,370. Isaiah had a great day and fell asleep immediately tonight
11,371. Spruced up the flowerbeds in an evening
11,372. My girls offering friendship
11,373. Jeremy and Josiah working together on the van
11,374. Breakfast with Janell
11,375. Isaiah so proud of his Jr. Park Ranger certificate
11,376. A break in the humidity
11,377. Family Pokemon outing
11,378. Ramen bowls before camp
11,379. Josiah's ideas
11,380. Saying good bye to very happy and excited youth
11,381. Me, Jeremy and Isaiah for a few days
11,382. Church adults that befriend Isaiah

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jr. Park Ranger Camp

 Isaiah had the best time at Jr. Park Ranger Camp last week. It was held at Janes Island State Park and he and Lydia were camp buddies. Every day when I picked them up they had lots of stories to tell. 

The first day they caught crabs and made a bee house with a can and bamboo sticks. Isaiah was very excited to catch a crab and the bee house was hung on a tree today.

The second day they took a boat ride out to Janes Island. They did seine netting, beach cleanup and got to do some swimming. When they got back, they made pizza pockets over a fire. 

The last day they learned about different careers as a park ranger and did some water testing. And then the parents were invited for the Jr. Park Ranger ceremony. They took an oath to take care of the environment.

And they each received a certificate and a pin.
Isaiah was very excited to get a certificate. (I guess he had never gotten one before!)
Cousins make the best friends and I'm so glad he and Lydia could do this together and have so much fun.


Appropriately, they went fishing with Grandad, Jeff and Josiah after the last day of camp. They caught some little catfish, but when you bring in a double (like Isaiah did in the picture below) that is extra exciting!



Friday, June 28, 2024

Joy Dare::May

 11,203. Brilliant blue sky
11,204. Confession
11,205. Closet refresh
11,206. Making a new flowerbed
11,207. A slower paced day
11,208. Isaiah is finished with 4th grade
11,209. Supper with Mom and Dad
11,210. Watching Frozen again
11,211. Coming home late to Anna still singing
11,212. Being in Aliza's world for an afternoon
11,213. Jeremy held down the fort at home this weekend
11,214. My extra time with Mom and Dad
11,215. Watching Aliza navigate a hard situation
11,216. Cousins and friends

11,217. Bedtime conversation with Josiah
11,218. Peach colored iris
11,219. How green the grass and leaves look on a rainy day
11,220. Home this evening
11,221. Anna and Gideon playing guitar
11,222. Finishing school classes
11,223. Spring rain
11,224. Thinking about hanging pictures on the wall
11,225. Consequences
11,226. When one of my students works well with me
11,227. Picking out flowers
11,228. Perfect afternoon for being otuside
11,229. Watching siblings be friends
11,230. Mother's Day flowers
11,231. Diego stopping by
11,232. Spending the evening with the Sheats family
11,233. Planting flowers
11,234. Protection
11,235. Family pictures and ice cream
11,236. Jeremy took care of the cooking
11,237. Organized for the week
11,238. Finished a project
11,239. An easy appointment
11,240. Evening walk
11,241. Allowing the schedule to be flexible
11,242. Picking strawberries
11,243. The boys got to do a little fishing
11,244. An afternoon at Mom/Grandma's house
11,245. Aliza made lunch so I could keep reading to a 2 year old
11,246. Time with Elizabeth
11,247. Children willing to be flexible
11,248. First peony bloom
11,249. Aliza finished her last high school assignment
11,250. Josiah taking more responsibility
11,251. Watching Ezra play soccer
11,252. Having Renee and Lydia with us
11,253. Aliza, Josiah and Anna really enjoy their small groups
11,254. Printed pictures
11,255. Josiah working with Jeremy on a project
11,256. Cleaned porches
11,257. Choir concert
11,258. The evening outside with Isaiah
11,259. Boys on a soapy trampoline
11,260. Evening walk
11,261. Coming home to Aliza mowing and Josiah string trimming
11,262. Mom made me cry--in a good way
11,263. Isaiah finding some new things to do
11,264. Dinner with my sisters and Mom
11,265. Talking to my cousin
11,266. Anna very excited about a new guitar accessory
11,267. Josiah and Anna finished school!
11,268. Getting all of my end of school year paperwork finished
11,269. Playing at Unity Square park
11,270. Milkshakes
11,271. Ramen bowls with friends
11,272. Listening to friends laugh together
11,273. The Mom feelings of leaving Aliza at home for the weekend
11,274. Anna's excitement over the house we stayed in for the weekend
11,275. Celebrating my aunt and uncle's 40th anniversary
11,276. Visiting with cousins
11,277. Being able to help
11,278. Watching Josiah, Anna and Isaiah have fun together
11,279. A safe trip home
11,280. Jeremy's sheer determination
11,281. Anna so excited to hug Aliza
11,282. An early start to the day
11,283. Feeling the freedom of summer
11,284. Our porches are stained because of unexpected generosity
11,285. Driving the van
11,286. Yard work helpers
11,287. A beautiful afternoon to be outside
11,288. Party food shopping with Mom
11,289. Saying Yes to going to the beach
11,290. Cleaning
11,291. Welcoming Joel, Amanda and Ronan
11,292. Preparing for a party
11,293. A beautiful counter of food
11,294. Our house and yard full of people who love Aliza
11,295. Beautiful weather
11,296. Seeing Aliza have so much fun

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Greenville, SC Day 3

After a morning of sleeping in and laying around, we were ready for some exercise. After deliberation, we settled on Jones Gap State Park and a 1.5 mile trail with little elevation change. Grandma and Grandpa decided to give it a go with us. 

The first mile followed the stream and was not steep, BUT the trail was covered with large rocks. At the trail divide, Grandma and Grandpa decided to turn around. For Karen to go that mile just a year after her heart surgery was AMAZING!

At the divide, Jeremy looked at the map and suggested we take the longer trail (2.5 miles) to the bigger waterfall. I'm not one to pass up a hike and the kids were game and so we set a fast pace...very much uphill. Mountain views never get old to me!

(I just got side tracked looking for another hiking destination. lol)

We passed a couple coming down the mountain and they said, "Be careful up there. There are snakes." I don't do snakes and I thought maybe we should turn around. We were committed by that point though. 

After a while (when we thought we should be pretty near the top, but we weren't) we passed another family and they said, "Be careful. There is a pack of rattlesnakes at the top. AND we saw a black bear." We definitely had to finish at that point. We were all on high alert and the children carried on as usual with loud voices and calling back and forth to each other. I figured that was a pretty good deterrent to seeing any wildlife. It worked. We didn't see any snakes or bears.

And then we got to the top and there was the Rainbow Falls.

That's as far as Anna and I got. We were tired and hungry. That's where I failed. We had water and no snacks.
Jeremy, Aliza, Josiah and Isaiah went up the last bit to have the best view.

 Heading back down we knew it would take a little less time and we saw that the visitor center had snacks. Everyone was looking forward to a snack!
Isaiah and I stuck together going down at the back of our pack. The others would get ahead of us and then take a break...until Isaiah and I caught up. That meant that Isaiah and I didn't get a break! We took our own breaks. It's so sweet to still have a 9 year old. He would want to hold my hand and then he'd say, "Mom, you are doing great. You are such a trooper!" 
We did finally make it to the bottom of the mountain only to find out that the visitor center had closed. Isaiah just burst into tears. He was so tired and hungry and we still had to walk to the car. (We stopped at the first gas station with food that we came to!)
That turned out to be a 6 mile round trip hike and the hardest trail that Anna and Isaiah have done. Memories made!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Greenville, SC Graduation Day

 Graduation day started with a luncheon for all of the graduates.

There were 31 seniors present and 27 who did not participate in graduation.  The only time I had tears during the ceremony was when I saw Aliza as she walked in.

Each graduate was introduced. They stood along with their family while a statement was read about each of them. The information was gathered from a 2 page questionnaire that we received without explanation. Aliza filled it out half heartedly. She and I both held our breath when we realized where they had gotten their information. Thankfully, there was only one question that Aliza wished she had answered differently had she known what it was for.

The speaker had a good message and kept it short. And then it was time for diplomas.

And then pictures of course!

It was extra special that both sets of grandparents could make the trip to be with us.

This sisters picture is going to be one of my favorites for the next long time!
There was a dinner reception following graduation. Each of the graduates submitted 2 pictures and a fun fact about themselves. Each slide was unique in layout which impressed me. After the meal

After dinner, the AHE staff recognized the parents of the graduates with this speech:

Wow! What a journey you all have been on to get to this point today. There have been tears, long days, frustration, joy, laughter, growth and hopefully a sense of accomplishment! If you have traveled the journey from K5 to 12th grade (with BJU curriculum, which I have), you will have completed the following things:
    -3 courses in Kindergarten
    -7 courses in Grade 1
   - 8 courses each in Grade 2-6
    -5 courses in Grade 7-8
    -7 to 8 courses each in Grade 9-12
Giving a grand total of somewhere between 88 to 92 courses by the end of 12th grade. We, at AHE, promise not to go into detail about the number of tests/quizzes and even the dreaded papers that were completed along the way. Graduates, we hope that gives you a great sense of accomplishment. BUT we know that you did not do this journey alone.

The journey would not have been completed without the cheerleader, coach, psychiatrist, counselor, financial assistant, and those better known  as your parents, grandparents, and yes, even the possible sibling. Graduates, you have already received your hard-earned diploma today, BUT this certificate is for those who have been there with you through the journey, your parents. AHE would love to recognize their hard work with this piece of paper.

From the staff at AHE, we are so proud of the hard work that has been put in by all of you to this point. We will continue to pray for you all as this time ends, and a new journey begins. 

Aliza gave me the Certificate of Completion and I cried.

Commencement is completed, but "to commence" means "to begin" and so it is with great anticipation that I look forward to this new season of life for Aliza and all she will do and accomplish. (And there will probably be a few more tears along the way!)