Thursday, September 12, 2024

2 Milestones in 1 Week


 Aliza's first day of college! Jeremy and I stood on the porch together and watched our first child drive off for her first day of school away from home. (I know that's wierd, but that's the story we've written for our family!) 

I think Aliza and I were both relieved that the first day had finally arrived. We had anticipated it for long enough! 

I do not want to admit how happy it made me to get a picture of Aliza (with a huge smile) and her Uncle Jeff. It was definitely the mom feeling of relief that her child looked happy doing a new thing. Jeff was at the college with some of his students and was very surprised to pass Aliza in the hallway. The moment made both of their days.

During the just few hours that Aliza was at school that day, I got an unexpected phone call that kept me distracted for the morning. It was a strange feeling to have to wait to tell Aliza and to have to drop some concerning news on her as soon as she got home from her first day of school. 

I was double relieved when Aliza walked in the door smiling and ready to tell us all about her morning. I continue to be spoiled this year. Aliza eats lunch with us almost every's just the way her schedule worked out this semester. 

It does make me happy (and relieves my homeschool Mom heart) that Aliza is thriving, enjoying classes, working hard on homework, staying late at a friends house, and generally just embracing the college lifestyle.

Josiah has his driver's license! It was no easier watching the second child take his driver's test. Getting the thumbs up and smile that he passed when he got out of the car was the best. Josiah was excited and he smiled BIG for his license picture. 

Josiah and Isaiah have had an agreement for quite a while that when Josiah gets his license he will take Isaiah to get McDonald's. And so Saturday lunch was the agreed upon time. Isaiah wakes up early and when it got to be 11:00 and Josiah wasn't awake yet, Isaiah was getting a little worried about his lunch. Josiah appeared about 11:20, got ready and off they headed to McDonald's.  My heart just keeps multiplying as each child drives out of the driveway!

I never thought I would have to insist that one of children carry a cell phone, but with Josiah, I did. He has had zero interest in having a phone (having a phone means he would actually have to return a text! *gasp*), but he has conceded to taking one with him when he drives because my one ask is that they text me when they are on their way home or if their plans change. And Josiah said, "OK Mom, I'll send you a car emoji and a house emoji." I'll take it!


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Joy Dare::August

 11,469. Entertaining lunch conversations
11,470. Indian restaurant for supper

11,471. Long conversation with a friend
11,472. Sending off 2 very excited girls
11,473. Taylor.
11,474. A good book for the weekend
11,475. A quiet, lazy Saturday morning
11,476. Clean car, tidy yard
11,477. Josiah's favorite supper
11,478. Our Sunday School class
11,479. Reading most of a book in a weekend
11,480. Aliza and Anna had so much fun
11,481. Watching Isaiah boogie board
11,482. Mothering
11,483. Soaking up the summer schedule pace
11,484. Afternoon walk with a friend
11,485. The way Jeremy and Aliza work together
11,486. Isaiah faithfully passes out "I love yous"
11,487. Bible study night I didn't know I needed
11,488. Humility
11,489. Getting to lift a burden for someone else
11,490. Aliza receiving incredible kindness
11,491. Meghan.
11,492. Anna being my shopping buddy
11,493. Receiving forgiveness
11,494. A good, much needed talk with Anna
11,495. Preparing for a party
11,496. Celebrating Mom and Dad
11,497. The whole Sheats family together
11,498. Driving the girl van
11,499. The concert was so fun
11,500. Isaiah singing loud
11,501. Sleeping in
11,502. A huge "win" for Aliza
11,503. Enjoying the memories from the weekend
11,504. Laughing with Josiah and Anna
11,505. Anna started school--8th grade
11,506. A cooler morning inspired me to do a whole bunch of yardwork
11,507. Aliza did something new
11,508. Pear crisp
11,509. The boys caught a lot of fish
11,510. Girls lunch
11,511. Nights that remind me that Isaiah is still a little boy
11,512. Getting to hug Chrissy
11,513. Road trip with Mom
11,514. Quieting myself
11,515. Seeing Linda in her home
11,516. Playing with the little guy
11,517. My aunts
11,518. Karlene's homemade cinnamon rolls
11,519. A day of visiting and listening
11,520. Sunday dinner with my aunts and uncles
11,521. Aliza telling me all the things
11,522. A day of safe travel
11,523. Home
11,524. Grocery delivery
11.525. Windows open
11,526. Hearing about Aliza's first day of work
11,527. Willing helpers
11,528. Cucumbers and peppers from Dad's garden
11,529. Getting my school prep started
11,530. Working with Josiah on his room
11,531. Perfect afternoon for a walk
11,532. Anna doing things (projects) that make her happy
11,533. Deck lights and a fire
11,534. Boys to help me with projects
11,535. Laughter
11,536. Aliza so excited to see her theater and choir people
11,537. An evening on the porch with a friend
11,538. The sounds of friends having fun together
11,539. Finding pictures on my phone

 11,540. Another good Sunday School class
11,541. Sometimes a full heart means my eyes overflow
11.542. Spending the evening close to Aliza
11,543. An involved Daddy ready to hold his little girl
11,544. Watching The Little Mermaid
11,545. School shopping with Aliza
11,546. Talking to my moms
11,547. Patience for a night that Isaiah needed me
11,548. Getting to serve for the afternoon beside Anna
11,549. Jeremy took care of supper
11,550. Aliza had another evening of positive new experiences
11,551. Melinda.
11,552. Feeling all the feelings of change
11,553. Afternoon at Mom's house
11,554. New recipe for supper
11,555. Long talks about life
11,556. Pokemon family time
11,557. Pulling together a meal
11,558. Rested