Thursday, April 16, 2009


I thought it was about time to catch up on what the children are doing these days.

We gave Josiah this pull-along John Deere tractor for his birthday. He pulls it along everywhere. We have a circle in our house and he walks around and around.

Our tradition is to have the children play independently in their rooms while we get ready for the day. I thought Josiah's room was baby proof. I quickly learned that it is not boy proof!
This picture was taken at Grandma's house, but the first thing he does every morning is pull his blanket out of his crib and wrap it around his head.
Then one morning we found him on the rocking chair....rocking back and forth while standing up!
And he pulled the drawer out from under his bed and climbed in. He has also climbed up on the guest bed that is in his room. The other favorite activities are to closely examine the knobs on the space heater and the electrical cords from the lamps that are in the room. I think maybe he'll be an electrician. haha.

Josiah finally got his 8th tooth last week. A tooth hadn't popped through since early December. He points at everything wanting to know what it is. He said "Yes" last week. And I can't wait until he learns a few more words because the "MMMMmmmm" sound to get food or juice is getting old!

This is Princess Aliza!
She wears this dress almost every day. The first day she put it on she wanted a necklace to go with it. (That's what she is holding above her head.) When the dress is on she refers to herself as Princess. I've already had to pull out the sewing machine mend some of the ruffles.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Super cute! I love the everyday life moments, they are the best :)