Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One of THOSE Days

When Aliza woke up at for the day at 5:30am, I was pretty sure it was going to be one of those days. I was optimistic for about an hour when she played happily in her room singing "I've got the peace that passes understanding...down in my heart. Where?....." It deteriorated though into mischief, a short nap, not being able to play nicely with Josiah, and finally an all out screaming fit at bedtime.

Janell, this is what they were up to while I was having such a normal, uninterrupted conversation with you. These canisters have been within their reach since they were born and apparently Aliza can finally open them. Josiah came to me with white hands and upon investigation I found this.

The white sugar and the brown sugar--open with 4 hands playing in them like sand. Both had sugar around their mouths and Aliza had sugar in her hair.

Now the canisters are tucked away on a high shelf in the new pantry. The pantry is hardly safe since they both can open the child lock. Maybe a padlock will be in order!

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