We found the lake and it turned out to be a bit disappointing. There was only a paved path along the lake.
This is the largest omelet I have ever attempted to eat. It was yummy!
Since the lake was a bit disappointing we decided to visit our other option for the day, a Natural Bridge. The natural marble bridge spans the Hudson Brook over a 60 foot deep gorge. This was an area that we really enjoyed walking around--or climbing around.
A marble dam.
That evening we went down to the pool. The only other people there was a family with 3 children who appeared to be very close in age to our children. The mom was even holding a baby. I could hardly stop looking at them. Jeremy asked me if I was ready to start driving home that night. I said the thought had crossed my mind. We didn't, but it was good to know we were both ready to go home to our family.
Later, I tried to watch a movie with Jeremy. He chose Date Night. It did not entertain me at all. Maybe I was just ready to go home. I was a bad date that night. I didn't finish watching it. Movies and I just don't get along very often.
Sunday morning we headed home. I couldn't wait to see Aliza, Josiah and Anna. Aliza jumped in my arms and hung on. Josiah wasn't sure he wanted us to be home. He told Daddy right away that he and Grandpa trimmed some trees and found a "snake hole." Then he started running circles around the house begging for Daddy to grab him in a big hug. I kissed Anna's cheeks for as long as I wanted to. =) It sure seemed like she waved to me from Grandma's arms. I'm pretty sure she is too little to wave, but there have been several times since that I'm almost sure she has waved. Otherwise, no developmental milestones occurred while we were away.
Our first evening at home was not easy. Aliza and Josiah were not fun. At all. But the next morning everyone settled quickly back into routine. I'm happy to be home. I'm also happy for the wonderful memories that Jeremy and I have of our extended time alone. I've also been frequently thinking about those hours I had to myself on the couch!!!
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