After the library we went to my brother's house to clean up their yard. He's been working in his wife's home area this last week so they are just staying put until the hurricane passes. Kelsey was a huge help. She took care of the children and I took care of yard stuff. We picked up McDonald's, went to the bank, took Kelsey home and got back to our house at 1:30. Rest time was late. I rested, hopped up and started cleaning up our yard. Let me tell you it is humid. I was dripping sweat.
When I got home there was a reverse 911 call from our County Executive on my answering machine. He was calling to inform us we were in the evacuation zone and to assure us that the county was taking all emergency preparations. Later in the afternoon I had a message from our electric company assuring us that they were getting personnel in place to restore power as quickly as possible but to expect widespread extended outages. Those calls left me with a hyper feeling.
I feel wound up tonight. It may take me a little while to fall asleep. Tomorrow is another day. I think I'll be able to update one more time before we lose electricity.
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