Monday, October 24, 2011

"Great" Memories

 This weekend the children and I got to spend some extra time with Great Gramma and Grandad while Jeremy was out of town. The weather was just perfect so we spent as much time outside as possible. Aliza and Josiah even talked Great Grandad into going back outside after supper. It was dark and I found them playing on the play equipment with flashlights! How cool is that?!

Josiah and Great Grandad started harvesting sweet potatoes.

I have to cherish the moments when Josiah is being nurturing to Anna.

Anna LOVED playing with the rocks on the driveway. She must have liked how they tasted too...

He's never far from this tractor when he visits Grandad's house.
 We had a picnic...
I thought I was brilliant for thinking of this idea for Anna. haha.

This is a Great Gramma and Grandad style picnic. A table filled with food in the background and a standing ladder for a table and wagon for a chair.

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