Monday, January 30, 2012


Monday is laundry day here.

Josiah desperately wanted to fold his laundry.

There was no way that I was going to discourage Josiah from folding his laundry.

We carried the basket of clean clothes upstairs together.

He sat up on the bed and put a pillow over his legs for a table.

He dumped out the laundry basket on the bed so that he could see all the clean clothes.

He talked and rearranged his pillows.

He took a pair of pants balled them into the tightest ball he could and started a "pants" pile.

I tried to take a picture--denied.

He took a shirt and balled it into the tightest ball he could and started a "shirts" pile.

I suggested that he may need to fold them neater so that they would fit in the drawer.

He assured me his clothes would fit in the drawer just like that because he is folding them.

Another shirt on the shirt pile.

More talking.

More pillow rearranging.

Another pair of balled up pants on the pants pile.

I suggest that maybe Daddy and Aliza are playing downstairs.

He listens to the playing noises.

He gives up folding and runs downstairs to play.

I breathe a sigh of relief because that is as much patience training as I can handle in a day.

I finished folding the laundry.


If he had stuffed all those balled up clothes in his drawer I still wouldn't have discouraged a 3 year old from folding his laundry.

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