Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I haven't decided which pictures I'm using for Christmas cards yet so I'll share some of our funny ones. I have decided that I'll use a pictures that makes our family look lovely and "put together." haha.

Josiah was not at all happy about having his picture taken alone. He was done after the first 30 seconds, but he pulled it together for a little longer.
The girls, however, were perfectly happy to be in every single picture and didn't want to let Jeremy and I have a picture alone!
Humongous leaves from sycamore trees.
At Pemberton Park there is a pond with an island. Josiah was in little boy heaven on the island. I had to retract my "you have on dress pants, dress shoes, a white shirt, and tie that you have to wear to your Aunt's wedding on Saturday....DO NOT get dirty" lecture. He immediately caught some muck with a stick.
Now this picture I was tempted to use on our cards. What says Merry Christmas more than a family in wedding attire with a little boy holding a stick with pond muck dangling from it!!??
We could also giggle over the thought of me walking around the park in 4 inch heels that were a little big, well, maybe a whole size, too big, but were too perfect not to wear with that dress.

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