But something far deeper has been happening in my heart. I think every person has been moved by a "something deeper" in this election cycle. We've been studying 1 Timothy in Community Bible Study this winter and this verse popped up during inauguration week.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everything--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
I have been compelled to pray for our leaders in a way that I never felt before because when I pray for our leaders not only do I ask God to lead them, I am giving my concern, worry, disappointment, fear etc over to God. And when I give those worries to God I can then live a peaceful and quiet life--which is the only way a life can lead to godliness and holiness.
As with every administration, there are going to be decisions made that I agree with and that I disagree with. When I am peaceful and quiet, with my mind and heart centered on Christ, I don't have to get ruffled by every decision lawmakers make and every debate held in facebook.
I want the attitude of my heart to point people to Jesus. When a person sees me on social media, I want them to think "She's a follower of Jesus" not immediately think of what issue I stand for or against.
(Approved by Aliza Heslop)
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