Friday, January 27, 2017

Maybe Not Such a "Little" Thing

It's been a week already since this happened, but it's more my thoughts this week that I want to share than the actual event. We watched Inauguration with my Dad and Grandparents. I enjoy all the tradition and decorum. The moderator quoted Ronald Reagan saying that the peaceful transition of power is the US is both "commonplace and miraculous." I'll remember that because that is the theme that has stuck with me during this season.

But something far deeper has been happening in my heart. I think every person has been moved by a "something deeper" in this election cycle. We've been studying 1 Timothy in Community Bible Study this winter and this verse popped up during inauguration week.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everything--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." 

I have been compelled to pray for our leaders in a way that I never felt before because when I pray for our leaders not only do I ask God to lead them, I am giving my concern, worry, disappointment, fear etc over to God. And when I give those worries to God I can then live a peaceful and quiet life--which is the only way a life can lead to godliness and holiness.

As with every administration, there are going to be decisions made that I agree with and that I disagree with. When I am peaceful and quiet, with my mind and heart centered on Christ, I don't have to get ruffled by every decision lawmakers make and every debate held in facebook.

I want the attitude of my heart to point people to Jesus. When a person sees me on social media, I want them to think "She's a follower of Jesus" not immediately think of what issue I stand for or against.

                                                                                                       (Approved by Aliza Heslop)

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