Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Celebrating Grandad

 Does this man look 90?! He gets it all the time--people can't believe that Grandad is 90. Grandad is definitely 90 years young. He drives and gardens and today was telling me about the Bible study group he is teaching.
We spent the afternoon at my parents eating lunch and spending time together. Grandad's sister, brother in law and nephew came from Pennsylvania which added just the right "special" to the day. Other local friends stopped in during the afternoon.

All of us girls felt the sting of Gramma's absence. Gramma LOVED celebrating and visiting and reason for good desserts. But here's the thing--now that Gramma is gone, I call Grandad and talk to him. And so I am very thankful for this time with Grandad. That I can show just him that I love him and that he can be a part of our every day lives. Every day of life is a gift, but I'm thinking that maybe every day of life after your 90th birthday is an extra special gift.

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