Every once in a while I'm allowed to catch a glimpse into why I kept on doing something that was uncomfortable. For the last 4 years we have attended the Wednesday evening activities at Immanuel Baptist Church. Until COVID we had supper at the church before the children's and adult classes. I found the suppers to be rather lonely times while I generally sat alone and Jeremy came late when he got off work. I never felt like it was the right thing to do to stop going just because it was uncomfortable. I always had the sense that it was good for all of the children to have a social outlet and the prospect of friends. Interestingly, it was during quarantine that several friendships solidified and have very much enhanced my life as well as the children.
Aliza went to a week long camp with the youth group and it was in sending her off that I saw why I stuck with this for so long. She was SO excited. This group of friends has been the biggest gift. The leaders are not just there to provide a good time. They are calling these kids up to make commitments to Jesus and to follow Him in all of their decisions. So when it was time for Aliza to go and she could barely make time to say good bye, I held her face, looked her straight in the eyes and told her to have so much fun. I could only smile.
Every picture I've seen she has the biggest smile. The girls did stay up until 1am the second night...there weren't as many pictures from that day!
Meanwhile, on the home front, the house is a little quieter. Anna is missing her sister. Anna got to be with her friend one day and we went to the cove. It was a really pretty day.
Aliza was doing the zip line....
....and swimming. This is seriously my favorite picture. Joy. Security. Freedom.