Josiah's birthday started with his gift of a Raspberry Pi starter kit. Josiah is one of the hardest to buy gifts for and Jeremy finally came up with this winning idea. The only help I had for Jeremy was "Josiah says he wants to build his own server." Yesterday Josiah and Isaiah were playing Minecraft and Josiah was very excited that they were playing on his server. Josiah's words to me were, " Mom, I'm living my childhood dream. We are playing Minecraft on my own server!"
That evening Josiah had 5 young men over for the evening, We had steak, potatoes and rolls. I told the guys they were lucky to be invited over on Josiah's actual birthday because they got all the good food. Of course there was ice cream cake and chocolate dipped strawberries for dessert. The guys sat around the table and talked and played a couple card games.
Aliza's birthday was celebrated over 2 days. On Saturday she had some friends over. It was a beautiful afternoon and they spent a couple hours playing games on the porch. It was a laid back girls afternoon which was just what her soul needed. We had sushi and homemade hibachi for her birthday supper that evening.
Monday was Aliza's actual birthday. Mondays are busy days for Aliza with class, studying and then choir in the evening. We all went to Chick Fil A for supper before she went to choir and when she got home we gave her her gift and had her favorite--brown ice cream sundae pie.
I was hoping to actually have her Ariel wig to give her, but the timing didn't work out for that! So part of her gift was the--much less exciting--money towards her Ariel wig.
Big kids are a lot of fun! I'm enjoying this stage of family life.