Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Higher is Always Better

 Anna is climbing up on everything. Every time I turn around she is up on something that she doesn't belong on. I remove her from her precarious situation. And she lays on the floor and cries about it for a moment. She hops up and goes to find the next available chair to crawl up on that will lead her to higher ground. Right now all of our dining room chairs are pulled away from the table and the desk chairs are away from the desk. I try to give myself some sanity!

On the desk. Anna has already started Netflix by pushing buttons on the Wii remote.

Eating oranges on the table.

Eating someones unfinished lunch. I guess I didn't get the table cleared off fast enough! haha.

Washing dishes at Grandma's house.

On my desk while I'm working on Linda's wedding invitations.

I decided she may as well "help."
And at this moment Anna snuck up behind me and is getting in to finished invitation pieces!

On the other hand, Aliza and Josiah have been the BEST of friends this week. They have played and played and played together. You know how they say, "Never wake a sleeping baby." I also say, "Never interrupt siblings playing happily together." I hate to interrupt them to even start school. In fact, Josiah has watched several lessons with Aliza this week. I hardly know what to do with myself when I'm not a referee! I LOVE IT!!!

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