Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Josiah picked out an off road truck after his doctor appointment. He cooperated for the whole visit including 5 shots so I was pretty much game for whatever he picked out! Josiah really wanted some mud to drive his truck in. So after the rain today he was quick to take his truck outside. Anna was right behind him!

This is a video of Josiah and Anna playing outside.

A friend told me today of an article she read about women suffering from depression and anxiety because they read Mom blogs and compare themselves to other Moms. I know there is a risk of only publishing the perfect aspect of life and, of course, some of the imperfect would be inappropriate to publish. Here's my disclaimer, if my life looks perfect to you and you feel depressed or anxious when you read my posts, please stop reading! My life is far from perfect; however I am quite happy. =) I want my readers to be happy too!! The end.

It is too soon to mention this, but we started the couch25k training program tonight. We meaning the whole family. We ran/walked up and down our little side road. Josiah and Aliza ran with us and we pushed Anna in the stroller. I do not really enjoy running, but I feel the need for cardiovascular health. We'll see how this goes. I hope we keep at it, but no promises at this point!

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