Thursday, April 4, 2013

Moments in a Week

It has not been the easiest week for me. Anna woke up Sunday night with a fever. Monday morning Aliza and Josiah were scheduled for annual well checks. I didn't have anyone to stay with Anna so I headed to the doctor with 2 apprehensive children and a sick toddler. I understood Aliza's nervousness, but she did nothing to make the visit easy on me. Josiah settled down when he found out that he didn't need any shots. Anna held up pretty well. I was just left with a mental battle the rest of the day after the doctor told me I needed to make significant changes to eating habits and that "children need to be able to obey their parents even when they are asked to do something they don't want to do." As I said, Aliza didn't make anything easy for me! Ah well. I'm survived my mental battle. I'm a good Mom. There is a high probability that my children will become confident, independent, responsible adults.

Monday evening Aliza and I were sitting at the table doing school. I was still struggling with myself. The day was long and hard and when Anna wasn't napping I was holding her. School was a struggle. We got to composition and the assignment was to write about something that you want to learn to do. Aliza thought for a minute and she sat down and started writing.
This felt like a huge milestone. Up until now, Aliza has dictated her composition. I've written it and she has copied it onto her paper. My theory was that at some point she would realize it would be just as easy or easier to write it on her own. It happened!!! When she got to a word she wasn't sure how to spell, she wrote it on a scrap of paper and I corrected it. (She got tired of that routine by the last sentence.) This is the process her teacher has been encouraging for most of the year. After a tough day, this really lifted my spirits.

Tuesday. Anna woke up quite hot. She said ouch off and on, but I couldn't really pin down where she was hurting. I held her all day. She ate very little. At supper I realized that we were out of apple juice and milk. I HAD to go to the store in the one hour that Jeremy was home before he left again for Bible study. Josiah really really wanted to go with me. In fact he gave up his Minecraft time to go with me. He was a most excellent shopping companion. He talked to me the whole time. As we were heading to the check out he saw the display of flowers and insisted on picking out a bouquet for me. I would have been out of my mind to deny him this. He picked a bouquet of daisies.

He stuck his head over the back seat as I put groceries in the trunk and asked to hold the flowers on the way home. I was happy to oblige. He said, "Mommy, do you know why I wanted to get you flowers? Because I love you." So so sweet. Completely melted me heart. And made my day. 

Wednesday found me sitting in immediate care with Anna. Her temp was 103.2 and she had a double ear infection. It happened to be a day that my Mom was off work and she could watch Aliza and Josiah. What a help that was! Because Anna did not make it easy for me at the Dr! Anna is feeling much better today.

I'm looking forward to some warmer days ahead and I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday.

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