Sunday, April 28, 2013

Some Happy Things

I wanted to support a couple doing an adoption fundraiser. I picked out this expression from Uppercase Living. There are few things that I think I just have to have, but this one called my name. It's in the living room and I love it.

Great Grandad's peas are growing!

I think Renee loved her birthday party today. She said, "Anna! I want my shoe off!" And Anna says "Otay" and walks over and removes Renee's shoe for her. My Mom watched the exchange with me and said, "I think Anna will be a nurse some day."

Anna pushed and pushed Lydia on the swing. She was so serious! Anna said she pushed Lydia "all the way to the sky."

These two. You never know what will happen out by the swings. We've had some memorable discussions out there.
Pink azaleas. The bushes around our house are covered in pink, white and red flowers.
There is so much to enjoy and be thankful for. I'm looking forward to a happy week!

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