Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bits and Pieces

I'm only thinking in bits and pieces tonight.

Aliza did a neat science project to remember the stages of a butterfly's growth cycle. You should hear Aliza try to say metamorphosis while she's reading. The painting was fun and then became a family paint fest.
Anna was up late last night. While I was talking to my mother-in-law she did this. Didn't you know these things are stickers???!! Stinker.
I've had vivid reminders recently that life is fragile and not forever. Eventually I'll lose everyone who is important to me and I don't like that. At all. I feel like I'm getting older.

We had our first co-op day last week. After the first week the jury is still out. Maybe it's the classes being offered this semester. Maybe it's the time commitment. I'm not sure it's the best fit for us.

We've had a couple weekends with no plans. It's been lovely. Family time. An afternoon at my parent's house. Golfing for Josiah and Jeremy. A trip to Tutti Frutti. It's always nice to start a week feeling relaxed.

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