Sunday, January 17, 2021

Isaiah's Plan

"Mom, I have an idea! Can you make cookies and we have cookies and hot chocolate and light the fire and put a candle on top of the fireplace?"  

And so I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies on Saturday. 

 "Mom, I think we need some protein too. Hmmm. How about we cut up a cucumber for protein?" 

And so I cut up a cucumber--for protein. The rest of us had a good laugh. Cucumbers will always have protein in our house now. It was well worth it for Isaiah to eat something green! 

I made 6 mugs of hot chocolate and we lit the fireplace and ate cookies.  

"We need to read a book. I know what book!" Isaiah runs upstairs and brings down The Little Engine That Could. I knew it would be that one. It's his favorite bedtime story again.

And so I read a story.


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