Sunday, June 4, 2023

Adulting Kid, Exploding Light, and Steakhouse Ordering

 This is a highly unusual situation where I am writing stories with no pictures! Let's see if I remember how to do this!

Adulting Kid

On Wednesday I watched my oldest walk out the door for her first summer job. For all of her 17+ years, Aliza has been at our table for lunch and, now, for the summer she will be at work every day over lunch. Not that she has never eaten a meal elsewhere, it's just the consistency of her not being here that I'm noticing She's doing great though and I'm proud of her for doing something new and a little scary. After her first week, Aliza has already decided that office work is not something she wants to do for the rest of her life. I consider that a successful summer job experience. 

Yesterday was another day of firsts for Aliza. She took her SAT--in an actual school complete with #2 pencils and scantron answer sheets. lol. She came out completely wiped (who doesn't!), but feeling pretty good with how the test went. 

Exploding Light

This was a weird start to my day on Friday. An LED recess light in the kitchen had burned out on Thursday and when I turned the kitchen light on Friday morning another light was out. After a few minutes the second light came on and shortly after I heard a loud pop, the plastic cover went flying, there was smoke and a burning smell. Jeremy was in a meeting so I called Brian. (Thank goodness God saw fit to give us one brother!) Well, I also called Brian because he has direct access to the electrician and knows just about everything about our house. Brian could tell that I thought my house was about to burst into flames so he came directly. He thought the exploding light was very strange and took out the lights and capped off the wires. Of course, my house had not burst into flames. lol. The electrician came that afternoon and replaced the lights. It appeared that maybe some bit of moisture had gotten into the lights causing them to short, but we have no theory as to how that could have possibly happened. The attic space is completely dry. Maybe it was just a bad couple of light fixtures. 

Steakhouse Ordering

This is a moment that just made me laugh and I want to remember it. Jeremy, the boys and I invited ourselves to join the girls and the Morgan family at Texas Roadhouse for supper. Anna had watched the live action Little Mermaid with them and Aliza was meeting them for supper. I thought it sounded like a good excuse not to cook and so we showed up. The four adults sat in one booth and the 7 kids were in a booth directly across from us. It was a typical steakhouse restaurant menu with appetizers, salads, steaks, chicken, burgers, sides etc. We started looking and pretty soon Isaiah was at our table asking what he should get. He sat down and the next kid came over...after that the kids lined up and when we thought we were settled the last kid came over to figure out their order. The hilarious part was that the Morgan kids did the exact same thing! All 7 of the kids came to the adult table not sure what to order and how to order. Life lessons were learned! They all ordered on their own. Anna figured out that she got free refills on her lemonade and basically filled up on lemonade before her actual food came. It was quite the memorable meal.

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