Saturday, July 18, 2020

19 Years

Jeremy and I celebrated 19 years of marriage this week. 19 years...I've lived married with Jeremy longer than I lived as a child with my parents. Our marriage years have reached adulthood and, in some ways, it feels like it really has. In the past couple years, it feels like we have passed the hard push and pulls against each other (the teenager years, if you will) and have settled into a deeper partnership, a deeper sense of contentment and security, a more mature love and respect. I like where we are at together at this moment in our lives.

There's a funny thing about how life and years change a person. Or maybe it is just YouTube tutorial videos that have changed Jeremy. When I married Jeremy I was convinced that he would never do anything in the handyman realm. Those things just didn't enter his consciousness. I'm not sure when or why or how it happened, but Jeremy now keeps things well pass the time of needing to be replaced, like lawnmowers and cars, and our house (?!) working. I never would have imagined he would be the guy that would have an old lawnmower and an even older lawnmower for spare parts in the garage!

I know the next 19 years will bring their own surprises, changes and discoveries. Before I get scared thinking about the future, I'll leave those years in the hands of God and trust Him for today.

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