Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Expensive Stickers

As I was finishing the supper dishes, Aliza came in and very animatedly was telling me something. She took my hand and showed me the new stickers she found. To my surprise she had found the stamps and thought that she had hit the sticker jackpot. I couldn't help but chuckle. She was so proud of herself. I am thankful that my child has not developed a manipulative attitude. She doesn't hide a thing.

But obviously she isn't allowed to play with stamps. So I'm trying to explain to an almost 2 year old that stamps are like money and not stickers. She didn't get it!

The greatest part was that Jeremy was sitting right there with sticker stamps on his shirt and was completely oblivious to what was happening. Yes, I took a picture just because I was annoyed and needed solid documentation!!!

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