Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Shack

I just finished reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. It's an fascinating and compelling book. Definitely a "must read." This book is a fictitious story of a man's encounter with God. It deepened my faith, gave me a new perspective on God's character and challenged many religious stereotypes I've picked up over the years.

So I told Jeremy he had to listen to this book. He downloaded it from and listened to it all day yesterday. He's finishing it tonight. At 11:30pm last night we were both curled up in bed listening to/reading this book.

I was almost asleep at midnight when we both sat up straight after hearing an explosion that sounded like it was right outside our house. Jeremy said he saw a light. We got up and looked around. Saw nothing. I laid back now and spent the next hour trying to convince myself that it wasn't a gun shot and no one was trying to get in our house.

At 1:00am I was still not quite asleep (but Jeremy was) when our room was filled with light from a vehicle outside. I shook Jeremy awake. I was quite scared. Jeremy sat straight up and started saying (really loudly) What? What? Where? In our house? I was trying to wake him and tell him it was me talking to him, but he thought someone was telling him that something happened to me. (Ok. Obviously we were both pretty scared!)

So we peek through the mini blinds and there is a vehicle going very slowly down our street with roving spotlights and emergency lights. All white lights. The vehicle is coming towards us while we are peeking out the mini blinds and stops and the spot light appears to be pointed right at our little peeping eyes. Now my heart is pounding! I'm sure they have seen us and presume that we fired a gun! We leave the window and the vehicle proceeds towards our house and TURNS IN OUR DRIVEWAY! I tell Jeremy to get dressed because he is going to have to talk to them. At this point we are convinced that law enforcement is looking for a criminal. The vehicle then turns around and stops in front of a light pole in front of our neighbors house. We then remind ourselves that all the lights on this vehicle are white and come to the conclusion that the explosion was something electrical this was a utility truck coming to fix the problem.

At 2:20am there was still a guy in a bucket at the top of the electrical pole. Yes, I looked. I was still awake! But then I did go to sleep and morning came too soon.


Christie said...

Good grief! I would have freaked out!!! Thank gooodness it was just electrical!

Christy said...

i'm glad everyone is ok,.... and I really liked the shack too.

Me said...

why do these kinds of things always seem to happen in the middle of the night!? I can just imagine how your poor little heart was racing.