It was the cutest thing when Josiah blew kisses to Jeremy when he was leaving for work this morning.
All of Josiah's canine teeth are through! Now it is time to reduce the pacifier dependency.
It is so fun to watch him become independent.
Grocery shopping is SO much easier when Aliza rides in the cart. Recently she has been sitting in the front and Josiah in the back. He is willing to sit down and she is contained.
I'm trying really hard not to be paranoid about swine flu.
Aliza asked twice today when she was going to see Gideon again. So sweet.
It is most lovely that Josiah can walk past Aliza without being hit, pushed, scratched or bit.
I called Jeremy at 12:30 because I thought I could benefit from a moment of adult conversation.
Does Sesame Street have some sort of subliminal addiction built into it? At least it is educational for the most part.
We got to visit with a couple who has older children than us and is more mature than us. Encouraging. And they didn't mind that my children are not shy and make themselves at home very quickly wherever they are. Aliza got to play piano, bass (cello), guitar, and listen to saxophone. She did not want to come home.
I'm scrapbooking on Saturday. Can't wait!
Aliza is currently playing very happily in the bathtub. The water finished draining quite a while ago. Recently she wants to take baths by herself--with the door closed.
My self-esteem was increased tonight. Jeremy took the children for a walk and I organized an area that has been bothering me for quite some time. There is no organizing when Josiah is in the vicinity!
I have lots of thoughts. I should stop now!