Saturday, July 24, 2010

Surviving the Heat

It's hot. No, it's hotter than hot. It's been in the 90's for weeks. This weekend we are breaking the 100 degree mark with the heat index nearing 110. This has to be one of the hottest summers I remember. So here's how we are beating the heat or at least surviving the heat.

Making applesauce with crab apples.

Eating a 2nd breakfast while standing in the sprinkler.

Trying to play some sports in the shade. It lasted less than 5 minutes. And then...

Josiah climbed up on my lap. And then....

Aliza climbed on my lap. They just sat with no intention of going anywhere. If my children are sitting still outside it is hot. It is so hot that we better go inside. With too little hot bodies on my beginning-to-bulge tummy it was definitely time to go inside. And do nothing. Because it is really just too hot to move.

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