Sunday, May 3, 2020

Social Distancing Week 7

This was probably our hardest week yet. This was the week that the girls would have had their dance recital and Grandma and Grandpa would have been at our house. Since we don't have *that* many end of school year activities, dance recital holds all of our excitement and emotion. Jeremy did take pictures of the girls in their dance costumes and they had so much fun doing that. I'll share some pictures soon.

On the school front, Josiah is finished. Anna is down to just a very little bit of work each days. Isaiah has 7 days left and Aliza has 10 days left. Three of her days included standardized testing this coming week.

I planted my flower seedings and seeds. These pots are hyssop.
I started painting the stair railing. It is a tedious job that I will do slowly over this week.
Aliza had a huge treat this week. She got to see one of her friends from dance and youth group for a few minutes. That was a real boost for her emotional well being.

I'm getting masks for the children in case there comes a time when we can see more people, but masks are required. Just trying to be prepared for any scenario. lol.

I find myself on an interesting seesaw. I'm content and in this little cocoon that sometimes I think I want to stay in it forever. I mean the bank account is doing well without eating out and buying gas. I also need to stay content so that I can be a stabilizing force for Aliza. On the other hand, as soon as I see anyone in person, I realize what I'm missing and that it is good to be in the physical presence of other people. What I think I'm saying is that Aliza is voicing all of my need to do things and I'm just keeping quiet and tricking myself into thinking that I'm doing pretty good over here at home.

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