Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Small Victories

On a blog I follow, Keeping a Quiet Heart, Heather challenged her readers to list some little things or small victories to encourage others who are in this battle of every day living. Um...that would be everyone! Don't we all struggle and need to be reminded of important things that happen all the time that are often overlooked because we are too busy (running in circles) to notice?

Here are a few things that I thought of from the past few days.

  • Jeremy went golfing with my uncle on Sunday and I had a good attitude about it.
  • This same uncle made one little comment that gave me a new outlook on a situation we are currently facing.
  • After one very intentional discipline tactic Aliza has stopped herself repeatedly from saying Oh my gosh.
  • I've been choosing to just sit and hold Josiah instead of feeling frustrated that he wants to be held so much that I can barely get the dishes done. It's amazing how stopping and holding him for what amounts to only a few minutes makes him happy and then I can work on those dishes again.
  • I'm genuinely happy, content and feeling good about life.
  • I can still sleep on my stomach at night.

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