Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Even with healthy children, almost every month I have some sort of medical appointment to factor in to our schedule. It has taken a few years to get everyone on the same rotation, but I now have all the children on the same dental cleaning schedule! Of course this requires going to a practice that can handle seating 4 children at the same time. Lucky for us we have one!

Here's how it goes. The appointment goes on my Mom's calendar as soon as I make it! The dental assistant comes out and calls for the "Heslop Family." We all walk back and she seats each child with a dentist. I sign for some children before the cleaning and others after. I hold Isaiah while he cries during his brushing. Then I hand him to Mom. By the time Isaiah is done another child is finished. Those two go out with Grandma to the waiting room. Anna still needs me so she waits until I'm finished with Isaiah and then I'm with her. While Anna gets started, Aliza's dentist finds me to say he has time to seal her 6 year molars if I would like him to. I quickly agree (why would I make another appointment?!). Anna does awesome and meets her new dentist for next time. I take her out to Grandma and then hang out while Aliza finishes up. I was preparing for Aliza's wrath because I didn't know she was going to get sealants. She handled it well and showed that she is developing a bit of flexibility. That all took 35 minutes.

Hopefully it will go this well in 6 months!

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