This is what I'm looking at right now. The boppy pillow is Josiah's happy spot. In the morning he sits in it and looks around and in the afternoon he falls asleep in it. I'm on the bed right beside him for the first hour. Yes, this is definately what gets me through the day. I might have to resort to letting him sleep in this at night....if we have many more nights like last night.
I got to cash in on my Christmas present today. I had my house cleaned. I found out that the lady who we bought our house from is cleaning as her job now. She loves us and our house so it was a bit easier to turn my house over to her. Well, actually it was really easy. The biggest challenge was having all the toys (and clothes) picked up when she came. I really hate cleaning. I have no motivation to do it. I keep the house neat and the toys generally picked up. I sweep the kitchen floor and clean the bathrooms, but that is pretty much where it stops. So instead of feeling guilty for doing even less than that right now I think having someone else do the cleaning is worth it. So my house smells lemon fresh, there is no dust on the fans and the stove top is even sparkling clean. Who would have guessed it was possible??
Yeah for Boppy pillows and cleaning ladies:)
how have your days alone wiwht the kids been so far?
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