Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our Week So Far

 We've had enough sunshine that the daffodils are blooming. I brought them inside so I could enjoy them. The warm days are still followed by cold days and rain. It is only March, but I'm ready for warm spring weather.

 I gave Aliza a couple choices of things she could do on her birthday and she chose eating lunch at Panera with Mommy. I think it was a great choice! Aliza LOVES alone time with Mommy. We had a great outing. I listened and listened.

Anna continues to get herself into precarious situations. I had to grab my camera again for this one. We have battled the back of Jeremy's computer with the 2 older children and finally put a large piece of cardboard across the back of the desk. And, would you believe, the 3rd child figured out how to get to the cords and wires too!

At her 15 month well check, Anna weighed 24 lbs and was 31 1/2 inches. That puts her in the 75th percentile for height and 80th percentile for weight. Well proportioned...I'm pretty sure my arms should look like I lift weights.

We've had colds this week. Jeremy is the only one that has escaped. For Aliza and Anna the cold included a 24 hour fever. Colds are additionally bothersome to me because of my paralyzed vocal cord. With the additional drainage and tickly throat I have more vocal cord spasms than normal. Like one or more in a day when I have them only occasionally otherwise. Last night was the worst one in a very long time. It usually happens at a meal...a swallow of food tickles a particular spot and I can feel it start. I dash to the bathroom so that my children aren't traumatized. I can't get air through my mouth during the spasm and with a cold I can't breathe through my nose either. The trick to stay calm and keep coughing until it loosens. Last night's was long enough that I was praying and after it was over I was just so thankful that I have a voice. So so thankful. (Don't worry. The ENT specialist told me that if I pass out from lack of air that will relax the vocal cords and I'll get air and be fine. I've never come close to that.)

Our weekend starts tomorrow night! Looking forward to that.

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