Tuesday, July 16, 2013


We have been maintaining our every 3 week trip to the library this summer. It's become a tradition to pick up Happy Meals on the way home and eat them in the living room while watching library DVDs.

Aliza has discovered Amelia Bedelia. Takes me right back to my childhood.
We also come away with chapter books. Last week Aliza found out that one of her friends was reading American Girls books by herself so tonight Aliza started reading one by herself. I knew she had the ability. I also knew I needed to wait for her to initiate it. However, for as long as Aliza wants to snuggle up and listen to me read, I'll read to her.
 During one recent trip the library Josiah was consumed with playing and didn't choose any tractor books for check out. He regretted that at bedtime--for 3 weeks! I did too! I don't think I'll let that happen again. Today he was quite excited about Thomas books in addition to the regular mix of concrete mixers, bulldozers and big rigs.
I'm ready to start reading the Little House on the Prairie to Aliza. That is probably a series I should just buy for our household.

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