Wednesday, March 29, 2017

On Being Sick

I've been sick the last couple days and I keep thinking that there are a few things that I want to remember. So while Anna is catching up on her schoolwork, I'm going to write a quick list.
  • The house will continue to run when Mom is sick. No one starved; in fact, Jeremy was amazing at taking care of everything. (That was Sunday)
  • Aliza was super helpful to me and willing to help her siblings. (That was Monday)
  • Aliza can do some cooking and is able to help Isaiah with eating. 
  • Everyone was unhappy when I couldn't eat meals at the table.
  • Anna was so kind. She was the one that pulled up the blanket, touched my face and brought me chapstick when she noticed my lips were chapped.
  • It's interesting to be a fly on the wall of your own house and listen to interactions and conversations. 
  • It was hard to remember not to kiss Isaiah's cheeks. 
  • Life doesn't stop for Mama to be sick. My deadline for being better was Tuesday afternoon and my body cooperated. (Thank God!)
  • Today there are about 3 children who are happy that Mommy can sit at the table, but quite sad they have to do schoolwork!

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