Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Culmination of a "Pregnant" Day

A "pregnant" day must include three things: exhaustion, hunger, and tears. I don't have very many days that are as dramatic as today was.

I've been sleeping good. I have to get up for the normal bathroom breaks and "Mommy calls," but I fall right back asleep. This morning I felt so tired when I woke up. I wanted to stayed curled up in bed for the morning. It didn't wear off. Quiet time rolled around and I flopped on the bed ready for at least a catnap. It took the children forever to settle down.

We went to the store this morning. It was a short trip with just a few items to pick up. By the time we got to the checkout I thought I was going to pass out from starvation. I picked up a Kit Kat bar, hustled the children in the car as quickly as possible and had that candy bar inhaled before we were out of the parking lot. When we got home I ate a hearty lunch and felt much better.

Tonight I was catching up on some blogs that I read. A Mom had written a post on how passionate she is about parenting her strong willed child. My children have normal wills and I could empathize with her passion to parent well and wanting your children to know they are loved no matter what choices they make and how much discipline needs to occur in a day. Her sister made a slide show to Celine Dion's song "Come to Me". I used a whole Kleenx during that song and wanted to just curl up on the bed, face in my pillow and bawl.

The song captures my heart for my children right now. I decided that I wanted my childrens' faces on a slide show with the song too. So I spent my evening picking out pictures and using up another Kleenx thinking about my children growing up and hoping that they will always choose to come to me.

Pretty classic pregnant day, huh?


Janell said...

That song made me cry and I don't have the pregnancy excuse!

Angie King said...

Wow that was beautiful...I am with Janell, it made me want to cry and I am not pregnant either.