Thursday, August 11, 2011

An Odd Habit

My last post was on Saturday. Wow! My mind has been busy thinking about school. Too busy. As in it is time to just start so that I can stop thinking (ok, ok. Worrying would be more accurate) and start problem solving. But I'm not going to talk about school tonight.

This poor creature is Josiah's beloved cat. It used to be my cat back in the day when it actually looked like a cat, but Josiah has adopted it and that is fine.
Josiah has an odd habit. When he in a relaxed zone like when he is falling asleep or when he is really into a DVD he will pull fur off the cat and put it in his mouth. It is so gross! This has happened to the point that the cat has large bald spots!

Last week along with his allergy episode the doctor noted that his throat was red. She did a strep test that was negative. I could tell his throat was sore. He told me his Mini Wheat cereal was "big" and when he ate chicken nuggets with ketchup he cried. I noticed that he was coughing once in a while.

Later in the week we were at my parents eating lunch along with Brian's family, Laura and Linda, I think. Josiah started coughing until he gagged and threw up. I cleaned up the plate and table and then he pulls a (small) wad of fur out of his mouth and says, "Look Mom, HAIR!" He then proceeds to eat his entire meal.

That afternoon he said, "Mom, my throat doesn't hurt anymore." Seriously?! I guess my son had a hairball stuck in his throat.

I have been far more adament in stopping him from eating fur. Now he sees the look from me and hides the fur behind his back and says, "Mom, don't look." With a big grin and sparkly eyes.

Silly, silly boy!!!

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