Friday, July 6, 2012


 We are sweating over here on the East Coast. All we have to do is open the door and the sweat starts pouring. Josiah can stand to play outside about 15 minutes before he comes in with bright red cheeks, damp hair and sweat running down his face.We didn't let a little heat keep up from enjoying 4th of July festivities.
We sweated through the parade. I held Anna through the whole thing. Holy HOT!!!

We sweated through the fireworks at 9:30pm. This was a first fireworks experience for the children. Aliza made sure there was drama through the entire show. She was sure a fire was going to start. No amount of assurance could persuade her fears. I think she may have secretly enjoyed it. Josiah enjoyed the show after Grandad held him. Josiah was trying so hard to understand how fireworks work. It was pretty comical to listen to the conversation between him and Grandad. Anna loved it. Every time she saw the lights she said, "Oh! Wow!"

Jeremy's car has been in the shop again this week. So yesterday we just plain sweated. No relief. Couldn't think of anything to entertain the kiddos. But today...I had an idea. It was a bit ghetto, but it entertained the children for a surprising amount of time. An old metal washtub filled with water. A big sandbox. Wallah! A beach in our backyard!
It is slightly, very slightly, as in less than 100* slightly cooler today. It was bearable in the shade and the water felt good. Yay for trying to have a happy day!

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