Tuesday, December 11, 2012


 The annual decorating of gingerbread men was today! Everyone keeps growing up and it is evident in their decorating styles.

Grandma always saves some dough for Aliza to roll out. 

Josiah really concentrated on his decorating this year.
 It was a busy table.
 Anna got in on the decorating too. We managed to keep her from making too big of a mess.
 I think Josiah may have forgotten that he was decorating a "man". This is his masterpiece--a volcano! And a "cheeese" smile for Aunt Meghan.
 Before we left home, Aliza decided that she was going to decorate her cookies like her kindergarten class friends. This is Miss Rita Lot, the librarian. (Oh my goodness! I love that sweet face!)
 And here is Mr. Nice Guy with her.
 Finally she made Farmer and Mrs. Brown and Miss Jabber. Aliza worked hard!
 After lunch Grandma had all the children sit in a row. I started snapping pictures. This is such a rare occurrence. Do you wonder how such a feat was accomplished?
 There were presents to be passed out! 

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