Monday, February 9, 2009

A Few Little Baby Steps

There is a set of grandparents waiting to see these little steps. I think there are about 4 wobbly steps in this clip. Today is the first day I've seen Josiah stand without holding on to anything.

And since we are talking about Josiah....He's has perfected a defense mechanism. Biting. This afternoon Aliza tackled him and had her arm around his neck. He bit down. She had 7 teeth marks on her arm and the skin was almost broken. She cried and reprimanded Josiah by saying, "JOSHIAH, DON'T CHEW ME!"


Meghan said...

Such a cute video. He's grown up soo much in the past month! I can't believe he can just stand up like that too... sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks!!! Loving it:) He now is a little longer a baby...well maybe..... cuddle a much as possible:)

Anonymous said...

So cute! We knew he needed a defense mechanism sooner or later. I love the don't chew me.

Janel said...

that is hilarious! gave me good laugh : )