Saturday, July 12, 2008

One Small Step Towards Independence

Yes, she is sleeping. She was like that for almost 2 hours. I was just praying that the click of the camera wouldn't wake her up. It didn't.

This is day 2 since taking the rail off of her crib. Yesterday I was wholeheartedly regretting the decision. The first night it took her an hour and a half to fall asleep and she woke up 4 times calling for me. Yesterday she didn't take a nap. Last night she slept good. Just woke up once and today she fell asleep and took a good nap. If you can call a nap standing up a good nap!

The only reason the rail came off is because it is the first step towards potty training. We'll adjust to this and then we'll take the next step.


Meghan said...

Haha... that is the funniest thing ever!!

Natalija said...

That is really funny. I didn't know it was even possible to sleep like that. I wish I could.