Two hands on the sliding door. I think he could see his reflection. He was laughing and talking.
My mobile guy. In the pantry, the computer area, Aliza's toys. He's everywhere and I can't turn my head.
Josiah is 7 months old today. The above (third) picture is a video of him crawling. He does 2 or 3 good hands and knees steps and then lunges, army crawls or inchworms. Then he is up on his knees again. He has already crawled to me across the living room, but that doesn't happen all the time. However, he can get anywhere he wants to go.
He also has a tooth and his language is a bit more complicated. We are saying lots of mama's and dada's to him. He's down to 4 bottles and 3 (large) meals. Today he didn't finish his afternoon bottle so maybe we will be down to 3 bottles soon. We'll see.... He's growing up SO fast!
That video is adorable...
Did Aliza get into that pantry back in the day too or is that a special Josiah thing? I don't remember her doing that. He's so cute though. Sheeeesh.
Josh and I watched this together and loved it. Thanks for a great post!
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