Saturday, May 16, 2009

Best News this Month!

Last evening Aliza came running to me holding the back of her underwear and saying "Mommy I have to use the potty!" I sat her on the potty and a few minutes later her called and said she was done. I look and, lo and behold, there was poop in the potty!!!!! And this morning her Pull-up was dry. Wow! I think that my kid is actually going to join the ranks of the potty trained pretty soon.

And other good news. I slept from 11pm-6am and fell back asleep to about 7am this morning. Jeremy slept in and I successfully took care of the children from 7am-9:30 this morning. I'm feeling pretty normal so far this morning. The trend should continue...


Christie said...

Potty! Sleep! I am so happy for you! When it comes right down to it, those are two of the most important activities in life. Go Aliza! Go Mommy! :)

Christy said...

And you changed your blog layout!! I am so glad you are feeling better!

In other news, I finally tracked down the fabric and ordered it this week