Monday, May 18, 2009

The Day I've Been Waiting For

I did it! I was alone with the children all day today! What a good feeling to be functional again. There are some things that still aren't right, but at least I feel like I can get through a day without depending on help. This morning I wasn't quite sure if I could do it, but I just "kept doing the next thing" and made it until nap time. Of course the children made sure we had an unusually early morning this morning!

Josiah with his big boy hair cut. He just started getting snacks in a dish. He thinks it is very exciting to reach in a get a Teddy Graham.

Aliza and Jeremy built a boat out of blocks tonight. She was quite proud of the final product. Josiah and I had to play upstairs so that they could actually build something!


Me said...

I'm doing the happy dance for you! (bet you wish you could see that! hee hee) and I cant believe how different Josiah looks with his hair cut--so grown up!!! I've been toying with doing that to Demian but I just cant bring myself to do it yet!

Christie said...

Oh my goodness, Aliza looks so much like her daddy in that picture! Too cute :) So happy for you girl. Here is to better and better days!

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures! Janell