The breakthrough happened sometime yesterday afternoon. By evening last night I was totally relaxed. I could sit still and hold a normal conversation. When the children went to bed I just laid in bed and reveled in the calm. I almost didn't want to go to sleep for fear of ruining it! I tried to go to sleep on my own, but ended up taking Benadryl. And then I SLEPT ALL NIGHT LONG with no dreams. When I woke up around 6:00 I fell back asleep twice before the children woke up. I felt really wierd this morning. Only my hands were shaking....visibly shaking. I felt super tired and just had a hard time shaking the fog.
Since then I've felt good. I took a nap this afternoon and have felt really good the rest of the day. I even caught up on my bookkeeping responsibilities for Omni and have been thinking about that all day scrapbook crop I want to coordinate. I can't tell you how good this feels.
I'm glad it's the weekend. Jeremy will be around for the next two days. Maybe Monday I'll be ready for full children responsibility.
Thanks so much for the comments. Given my state of mind and body I think all of them made me cry!
It's so good to see you smiling! Love you, Janell
Praise the Lord! I am so so so glad things are finally on the upswing for you, Carla!
So thankful that you are feeling better!!!And you know when you start to think about scrappin' things are good! Bless you :)
Yeah!!!! I will say that Benadryl makes me SUPER groggy and foggy
All I can say is ... Yay!!!!!!!!
I rejoice with you!
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