Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Favorite Image

A photographer friend of ours threw out the idea of picking out your favorite image of the year. Here are my 2 favorites.

I love a picture that tells a story and that makes my heart swell with the memory. This picture came to mind as soon as I read the post. It was taken on Josiah's 1st birthday. Aliza was so excited about his party. In the background is Aliza's booster seat from the table. She drug that chair into the living room when I was setting up chairs so that she would have a place to sit. Then when he was opening up his presents she was more excited about what he was opening than he was. She was able to be excited AND let him open his presents by himself. A very grown up moment for her! Josiah concentrating on the task and Aliza so excited she can hardly contain herself captures the essence of my childrens' personalities.

This one is my 2nd favorite. It was taken this weekend and I could just kiss both of those boys' faces. ;) Jeremy had just finished a round of tickling and rough housing with Josiah. Josiah had been laughing and laughing. There aren't many moments when I can grab a picture of Josiah with a huge spontaneous smile on his face!


Janell said...

I love it! They are both great pictures.

Me said...

wonderful pictures! LOL