Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sweet Anna Girl

Happy 1st Birthday Anna!!!

It is so true that time goes faster and faster. I can't believe Anna is a year old already. Anna is such a content, easy going little girl. I marvel at how God puts families together. 

Anna is completely walking. I still give her a couple bottles because Anna will still cuddle like a baby. Her funny fascination--potty water! I run around like crazy trying to keep potty seats down or doors closed, BUT Anna can crawl up the steps and FAST! If I hear giggling from upstairs I know I'm too late.  I have found all kinds of things in the potty including her teddy bear blanket. Ugh!!

But who can resist that sweet smile and her little voice saying Mama or Dada or the way she lays her cheek on my face for kisses. I love her, love her, love her!!!!!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Happy Birthday Anna!! :)