Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Complicated Conversation

Aliza and I had a complicated conversation about the value of a dollar today. She is into Lalaloopsy dolls and wants to buy one. I told her that the mini dolls cost $7.00. Today Aliza told me that she was going to have a lemonade stand and sell lemonade for one penny a cup. She said she needed to sell 7 cups and then she could buy the Lalaloopsy.

I tried to simply explain to her that one dollar is the same as 100 pennies. After a couple attempts at this angle I tried to tell her that one dollar is the same as 10 dimes. (She has learned about pennies and dimes in school.) She just couldn't wrap her head around this concept. When she got fed up with my explanations, Aliza decided she wanted to call her Daddy to see if he could explain it to her. I said that her Daddy would probably explain it the same way I did, but (since Aliza and her Daddy have a lot in common) I thought maybe he would come up with an angle that she could understand.

Then, in complete exasperation, Aliza said, "And if Daddy can't explain it to me we will look it up on the internet. The internet will be able to explain how much a dollar is to me."

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