Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh Boy!

Josiah has been killing me recently. The things he comes up with are hysterical--to me.

In the morning Josiah likes for me to carry him downstairs and rock him. He does not like for me to tell him that it is time for me to "get ready for the day" so before I sit down Josiah informs me that he is a "strong magnet." And, boy, does he hang on tight when I try to get up. But, seriously, there isn't anything that can compete with time rocking my little boy.

Josiah has recently become controlled by his tummy. When it is time to sleep he'll come to me and say, "My tummy woke me up." At the library when he didn't want to sit for storytime he told me that his "tummy was ready to pick out books." Sometimes I'm ready to put his tummy in time out!

This afternoon I was ready to clobber him when I found wet toilet paper in the kitchen and puddles of, I presume, toilet water on the floor. I started scolding Anna and Josiah told me that he let Anna play in the potty while he USED it! Seriously!? Did Josiah really think that was ok?? Ugh!!!

 Anna really likes Oreos. 

Aliza referred to herself as "Aliza Flynn" at supper. I do not think the female character on Phineas and Ferb is who she should be naming herself after.

I can see that Aliza is making better choices when it comes to obedience.

Finally, I frequently wonder what issues I'm giving my children. I've probably been told this, but I remembered it again. The best tool I can give my children to deal with their issues as adults is the ability to forgive. I purposed again in my mind to model giving and receiving forgiveness. That means I need to apologize to them when I'm wrong too. Among other things being a forgiving person is a quality I desire for my children.

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