Saturday, May 14, 2016

Changing Up the Scenery

It was time for a change of scenery and it turned out that a couple games of bowling was just what we needed. Besides an elderly couple bowling together (how sweet is that?!) we were the only ones at the bowling alley.
Josiah watched the man beside us and picked up some technique.
In both games all three of the children were within just a pin or two of each other.
Isaiah eventually got pretty comfortable and I was glad that I had Mom for backup hands! He's going to be a different kind of handful than he was last summer. Dad got to stop by too which made all of us happy.
Apparently we make ourselves at home wherever we go.
The children were surprised with lunch at Hardees. Isaiah had his first fast food meal to himself and he made quick work of his fries and chicken.
It's such a satisfying feeling when something that is supposed to be a treat and enjoyable turns out to be a treat and is enjoyable.

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