Saturday, January 24, 2009

Potty Training--Week 2

I've spent my week thinking about what I can possibly do to make this "click" for Aliza. We went out more so I felt like I had a more "normal" week and Aliza has become a pro at holding it. The problem is I don't see that defiant light in her eyes. She's just carefree...not the least bit worried about running to the potty. The new tactic hasn't worked. She just laughs. =) She usually uses the potty once a day. Generally after supper and at least one day this week she hadn't used the potty or had an accident since 9:45am then then used the potty after supper. She sits on the potty almost half an hour before going. So it's not that I'm having that many accidents. It is her apathy that is driving me crazy. If she was really trying and we were having accidents I would feel like we were getting somewhere. The last couple days she has only wanted to sit on the potty for about 2 minutes and then tells me "I tried. Poopy won't come out." And, of course, less than half an hour later we have an accident. I'm out of ideas. I have no clue what to do next.

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