Tuesday, January 20, 2009


On Potty Training:

Well, progress is still slow going. We've had one success every day since last Thursday and, in fact, Sunday and today we had two successes in one day. If I get her to the potty on time and she can watch Sesame Street on the iphone we're good. She shows no initiation in running to the potty. So here's my new tactic: I've told her that as soon as she feels wet coming out (point to body part) she needs to put her hands there and yell STOP and run to the potty! When we went through this she laughed almost hysterically. (I think it was the Mommy yelling STOP part!) But maybe it will work. And maybe not...I'll let you know. My logic was to give her something active to do when she feels herself going so that she'll learn to stop and get to the potty. This is becoming an intellectual process.

On Marriage:

This is going to be cryptic. Sometimes marriage goes through periods that are tougher than others. Where it is easier to see negative things in your spouse than positive things. So I've been talking to God about how A, B, and C make me feel X, Y and Z. And do you know that yesterday Jeremy did one thing and today he did another that really surprised me and both times I heard that little whisper from the Holy Spirit, "I heard you. I've got it taken care of." Now if only I wouldn't have to be so hard to live with while I'm in the process of waiting.

On Inauguration:

Watching Obama getting sworn in gave me chills. Whether you like the guy or not, watching such a monumental occasion is amazing. What other nation could have a justice swear in a president who voted against him and who are on polar opposite ends of the political spectrum? I've never been so interested in the process. Maybe my dull life makes everything else look so much more interesting. I naturally think of the psychological aspect of people. So I wonder what the day was like for his girls and how can he possibly think he (or anyone) can bear of the weight of being the most powerful leader in the world? And then as I watched George Bush get into the helicopter and fly away I wondered what it much be like for him. Does he have counseling lined up? Or is his ego big enough to handle all of the negative things that have been said about him. Does he feel like he's leaving with a job well done? And how will he feel tomorrow when he wakes up with an empty calendar?


Christie said...

I appreciate your thoughts. Got alot of them running through my head right now too. It is an amazing time to be living in. Lots of stuff to wrestle with in our brains...family, marriage, nation, economy, and so much other stuff. An ongoing struggle to keep it balanced and whole. Thank heavens for that still small voice :)

Meghan said...

Hahaha I laughed at multiple points in this post. Either you were extra funny tonight or I'm just really tired (it has been a long day). I especially appreciated your marriage comments :-) Hope Mr. Bush sleeps well tonight!

Me said...

i too, find myself much more intrested in wondering what the public figures are thinking and feeling than the more technical details and cold hard facts...chalk it up to being a woman! : ) LOL